
“Assess and manage your risk more effectively”

The right energy project, particularly in the clean energy and renewable energy spaces, is a high return prospect but what is the right energy project?

It’s hard to know what the right energy project is without specialised technical and market knowledge and direct experience of how an effective project team should be constructed.

At Swift & Falcon, we’ve developed a set of services which will help you and your advisors ask the right questions and come to an informed view about the more specialised aspects of your proposed investment. Swift & Falcon will help you to assess and manage your risk more effectively.

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An accurate, informed and objective view

This is part of our overall project development suite of offerings but tailored specifically for resource owners, investors and financiers who want to gain a better understanding of the value and viability of a project developer’s proposal.

In additional to your own due diligence, Swift & Falcon uses its extensive project experience to give you insights into aspects of the project which are hardest for a non-specialist to assess. These aspects include technology compatibility and understanding, team composition, executive capability and partner dynamics.

Swift & Falcon asks the right questions and gives you an accurate, informed and objective view.

A specific and informed technical assessment

Developed specifically for investors, financiers and insurers for whom the technical aspects of a project may be difficult to assess, Swift & Falcon delivers an informed and incisive technical assessment about the compatibility of a technology with a project and the degree of technology risk faced by your proposed investment or project financing.

Technology is key to any project offering and not all technology show-stoppers are obvious to a non-technical audience. We give you the confidence that the technology aspects of any project have been thoroughly interrogated.

A complete and detailed project appraisal

Swift & Falcon offers a complete and detailed project appraisal, however, certain assessments are required to be specifically risk-referenced and mitigated. We are pleased to offer that capability for both technical and non-technical risk.

Understand the market and the reality

The ultimate test of project viability is the market. Swift & Falcon can help you to understand the market and the reality, or otherwise, of the project economics.

From long experience, we know the questions to ask, what assumptions are reasonable and what assumptions are a hostage to fortune. 

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