Resource Owners

“Find the real deal and avoid the time-wasters”

Everyone wants your resources, everyone will deliver a cleaner energy future and everyone will deliver more jobs and higher financial returns than anyone else.

The reality is that there are more frogs than princes. Use the experience of Swift & Falcon to find the real deal and avoid the time-wasters.

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Project Development is the core of our business and we can support you across the board in multiple ways, from being the spine of your operation to providing specific additional and enhanced capability where you need it. To make it easier to get a feel for what we do, we have defined our Project Development offering into five broad categories:

"We provide instant capability"

We get things started for you straight away and either carry things through to completion or maintain project momentum while you recruit your own team.

We provide instant capability so you can make immediate progress rather than lose time or an opportunity because you’re still trying to get a team in place.

Whatever your proposal, we give it the immediate substance demanded by investors, financiers and other key stakeholders. Time is your most precious commodity and Swift & Falcon helps you make the most of it.

"Make the right choice, dispassionately and objectively"

The energy and chemical space is an increasingly complex business proposition with multiple feedstocks, technologies and final product slate combinations possible. We can help you understand what the business opportunity actually is and how it can be optimised.

Early choices make a long term difference and the wrong decision can be hugely expensive. It is very easy to be carried away by an opportunity but, with Swift & Falcon as an informed sounding board, you will ask the right questions and make the right choice, dispassionately and objectively, even if that right choice is to walk away.

Turn an aspiration into a practical and detailed plan to deliver and optimise the value of the final project. Not only does Swift & Falcon focus on project basics such as feedstock, technology and product slate but we also shape and articulate a compelling proposition to investors and financiers.

"Let Swift & Falcon help get your project the green light"

We identify critical stakeholders and partnerships and foster the development of the relationships you need for project success. You will inevitably be operating in a complex business landscape and, with Swift & Falcon on your team, your project will navigate that landscape safely and effectively.

Let Swift & Falcon help get your project the green light.

Whether it’s the obvious challenges of technology and construction or the less obvious but equally critical challenges of holding together the partnerships and alliances vital to project success, Swift & Falcon knows how to manage them successfully.

"The Swift & Falcon team has done it"

Swift & Falcon can function equally well as an effective and core part of your project team or as a constructive third party capable of providing an independent eye to help guide the project team and strengthen project alliances and partnerships.

We have a range of strategies and approaches which we have applied successfully for over two decades. Whether it’s re-financing, facilitating strategic alignment or launching a successful world record attempt, the Swift & Falcon team has done it.

"Our input makes a difference and improves your project's chances of success"

In the Project Development space, Swift & Falcon adds value as a sounding-board for your project team or as an informed review team able to take an impartial look at your project and its underlying assumptions.

We know what successful projects look and feel like and we know what unsuccessful projects look and feel like. Our input makes a difference and improves your project's chances of success.

“An accurate, informed and objective view”

This is part of our overall project development suite of offerings but tailored specifically for resource owners, investors and financiers who want to gain a better understanding of the value and viability of a project developer’s proposal.

In additional to your own due diligence, Swift & Falcon uses its extensive project experience to give you insights into aspects of the project which are hardest for a non-specialist to assess. These aspects include technology compatibility and understanding, team composition, executive capability and partner dynamics.

Swift & Falcon asks the right questions and gives you an accurate, informed and objective view.

A specific and informed technical assessment”

Developed specifically for resource owners, investors, financiers and insurers for whom the technical aspects of a project may be difficult to assess, Swift & Falcon delivers an informed and incisive technical assessment about the compatibility of a technology with a project and the degree of technology risk faced by your proposed investment or project financing.

Technology is key to any project offering and not all technology show-stoppers are obvious to a non-technical audience. We give you the confidence that the technology aspects of any project have been thoroughly interrogated.

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