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You will find a full list of our services below. If you would like to view a shorter service list developed for your specific interest, please use the individual offerings in the dropdown menu above (Services).

All Services

James Vaughan testing the plan against physical realities.

Project Development

Project Development is the core of our business and we can support you across the board in multiple ways, from being the spine of your operation to providing specific additional and enhanced capability where you need it.

To make it easier to get a feel for what we do, we have defined our Project Development offering into five broad categories:

"We provide instant capability"

We get things started for you straight away and either carry things through to completion or maintain project momentum while you recruit your own team.

We provide instant capability so you can make immediate progress rather than lose time or an opportunity because you’re still trying to get a team in place.

Whatever your proposal, we give it the immediate substance demanded by investors, financiers and other key stakeholders. Time is your most precious commodity and Swift & Falcon helps you make the most of it.

"Make the right choice, dispassionately and objectively"

The energy and chemical space is an increasingly complex business proposition with multiple feedstocks, technologies and final product slate combinations possible. We can help you understand what the business opportunity actually is and how it can be optimised.

Early choices make a long term difference and the wrong decision can be hugely expensive. It is very easy to be carried away by an opportunity but, with Swift & Falcon as an informed sounding board, you will ask the right questions and make the right choice, dispassionately and objectively, even if that right choice is to walk away.

Turn an aspiration into a practical and detailed plan to deliver and optimise the value of the final project. Not only does Swift & Falcon focus on project basics such as feedstock, technology and product slate but we also shape and articulate a compelling proposition to investors and financiers.

"Let Swift & Falcon help get your project the green light"

We identify critical stakeholders and partnerships and foster the development of the relationships you need for project success. You will inevitably be operating in a complex business landscape and, with Swift & Falcon on your team, your project will navigate that landscape safely and effectively.

Let Swift & Falcon help get your project the green light.

Whether it’s the obvious challenges of technology and construction or the less obvious but equally critical challenges of holding together the partnerships and alliances vital to project success, Swift & Falcon knows how to manage them successfully.

"The Swift & Falcon team has done it"

Swift & Falcon can function equally well as an effective and core part of your project team or as a constructive third party capable of providing an independent eye to help guide the project team and strengthen project alliances and partnerships.

We have a range of strategies and approaches which we have applied successfully for over two decades. Whether it’s re-financing, facilitating strategic alignment or launching a successful world record attempt, the Swift & Falcon team has done it.

"Our input makes a difference and improves your project's chances of success"

In the Project Development space, Swift & Falcon adds value as a sounding-board for your project team or as an informed review team able to take an impartial look at your project and its underlying assumptions.

We know what successful projects look and feel like and we know what unsuccessful projects look and feel like. Our input makes a difference and improves your project's chances of success.

JV & Partnership Development & Management

Projects of great complexity generally require a network of alliances and partnerships to see them safely over the line.

The Swift & Falcon team has helped to develop and manage many such alliances and partnerships, including some of the most complex and diverse in the history of the energy industry.

We can advise you on the right fit of partner to get your project over the winning line and, more importantly, we can develop the necessary frameworks and processes, particularly around the commercials and communication that will allow you to keep the relationship on track and keep all parties driving in the same direction.

The right partnerships and alliances are a powerful and effective way to move your project forward quickly and efficiently, while partner dissent and mis-alignment is one of the biggest single causes of project failure.

Swift & Falcon can make the difference for you.

Projects of great complexity generally require a network of alliances and partnerships to see them safely over the line.

Project Financing

Without money, there is no project. There are multiple funding sources and the challenge is to identify the right combination and shape the proposal that will secure the funding.

The Swift & Falcon team has raised billions of dollars in project finance for ventures around the world using a whole range of potential funding streams and financial instruments; everything from balance sheet funding to government subsidy.

We know what works and we know the pitfalls, particularly the threat short-term expedients can pose to long-term prospects.

Use Swift & Falcon to optimise your funding possibilities and test which options offer you the greatest chance of success. 

Project Assessment

Stress test and strengthen your proposal in private

Use Swift & Falcon’s extensive project experience to give you an accurate and informed third party view of your project and the assumptions which underpin it.

Using Swift & Falcon allows you to mitigate the risk of overfamiliarity with your project and to get a third party perspective from an informed assessor who is neither a critical stakeholder or key project enabler.

Stress test and strengthen your proposal in private and without commercial consequences. 

Much can be hidden in a document – James Vaughan on the ground and talking directly to the team.

Technology choices are complex and bewildering – Swift & Falcon can help you make sense of them

Technical Appraisal

“We give you the confidence that the technology aspects have been thoroughly interrogated”

For Project Developers, a specific and informed third party technical assessment allows you to make a confident and informed decision about the compatibility of a technology with your project and the degree of risk it represents.

For investors, financiers and insurers, for whom the technical aspects of a project may be difficult to assess, Swift & Falcon delivers an informed and incisive technical assessment about the degree of technology risk faced by your proposed investment or project financing.

Technology is key to any project offering and not all technology show-stoppers are obvious to a non-technical audience. Whatever your role in the project, we give you the confidence that the technology aspects have been thoroughly interrogated.

Large or innovative projects attract attention and positioning is crucial. James Vaughan handling the press after a major investment announcement.

Corporate Affairs

Swift & Falcon’s award winning team offers the full range of corporate affairs support.

With experience gained working with or for some of the biggest companies on the planet, Swift & Falcon can position your organisation and your project in the right place for success.

It is very unusual for a single organisation to be able to offer such a wide range of capability and it is worth repeating that we only offer services where we personally have a proven track record of delivery, at executive level, for successful international projects with a Capex in excess of US$1 billion.

To make it easier to get a feel for what we do, we have broken down our Corporate Communications offering as follows:

The Swift & Falcon team has worked successfully over many years and on five continents to promote and position both projects and companies.

The Swift & Falcon approach is based on the development of a clear message set and defined audiences coupled with the efficient and disciplined communication of that message set to those audiences. The Swift & Falcon team is widely published across a range of international publications and has featured at many of the world’s largest energy conferences as either a presenter, Chair or both.

"We can support you efficiently and effectively across the entire media spectrum"

Swift & Falcon covers the entire spectrum of media management from creating press releases to managing large-scale and complex media briefings and press conferences. We also provide high quality media training for any of your team who may be required to interact with the media.

Swift & Falcon can create and produce your entire publishing suite and can do so with great efficiency; the record is a major corporate brochure going from a blank sheet of paper to final design within 24 hours. Swift & Falcon can also script, direct and voice-over corporate videos and team credits include some of the world’s most iconic brands.

We can support you efficiently and effectively across the entire media spectrum and we can react to circumstances and opportunities immediately.

 "Swift & Falcon can develop the tools and initiatives you need"

Often the Cinderella discipline in the corporate affairs suite, effective internal communications are a critical part of any project’s overall safety performance and ineffective internal communications risks a safety incident.

The Swift & Falcon team has worked on multiple safety programmes; as a contributor to the design of the safety regime, as the communicator of the regime’s rollout and adoption, and as the accountable individual for the project's overall safety performance.

In addition to the critical safety aspects of internal communication, Swift & Falcon can develop the tools and initiatives you need to build a strong project identity and keep your team motivated.

"Swift & Falcon will make a positive difference for you"

Projects of great complexity generally require a network of alliances and partnerships to see them safely over the line. The Swift & Falcon team has helped to develop and manage many such alliances and partnerships, including some of the most complex and diverse in the history of the energy industry.

Swift & Falcon can advise you on the right fit of partner and, more importantly, Swift & Falcon can develop the necessary frameworks and processes, particularly around the commercials and communication, that will allow you to keep the relationship on track and keep all parties driving in the same direction.

The right partnerships and alliances take your project forward quickly and efficiently while partner dissent and mis-alignment is one of the biggest single causes of project failure. Swift & Falcon will make a positive difference for you.

"Use Swift & Falcon to minimise the conflicting demands on your executive team"

The ‘Money’ is a key stakeholder group in any project. When the project is on track, Investor Relations task are relatively straightforward, however, all projects have their challenges and these challenges test the strength of relationships with investors and financiers.

Use the Swift & Falcon team to create the strongest possible relationships during the good times and make sure that those relationships can sustain the project when the inevitable challenges arise.

Project reality means that financial stakeholders will need the most management attention at the same time as that same executive team is solving whatever challenge has arisen. Use Swift & Falcon to minimise the conflicting demands on your executive team.

One of the best and yet most neglected ways to develop a strong sense of project identity and sense of common purpose across a project team is to establish a clear brand identity and a clear idea of what the project is trying to do. Though it seems an obvious thing to say, it is very easy to overlook the importance of a brand identity in the excitement of driving a project forward.

"One of the best and yet most neglected ways to develop a strong sense of project identity"

A strong brand identity improves motivation and the sense of team and, where the project is a joint venture or some other form of commercial alliance, a clear identity creates the necessary operational space to address concerns of an imbalance in the relationship. A strong brand is an essential component of corporate stability.

The Swift & Falcon team has developed many such brands successfully and combined that process with a series of events and demonstrations to give the brand substance in the eyes of those who have to work with it.

Use Swift & Falcon to develop and deploy this often overlooked problem-solver for your project.

"Use Swift & Falcon to develop and execute the government engagement programme you need"

The right fiscal regime, regulatory environment or financial incentives can be critical to project success.

Use Swift & Falcon to develop and execute the government engagement programme you need to optimise your operating environment and give your project the strongest possible foundations.

The biggest companies in the world are experts at optimising their business environment in this way and the government relations programme is always a key part of their overall project development plan.

However, it doesn’t have to be a Rich Man’s privilege, using Swift & Falcon, you can gain exactly the same advantages for your project as any of the biggest organisations in your sector.

At Swift & Falcon, we view ‘crisis’ in the fullest sense of the word. It can mean a serious set-back but it can also mean a serious decision point. Either way, we can help you manage it.

"At Swift & Falcon, we know from experience how to make the right choices"

Setbacks happen and often the test of a project team’s excellence or otherwise is how it responds to adversity; it either grows in confidence or begins a decline that ends in failure.

At Swift & Falcon, we know from experience how to make the right choices and take the right actions and we can prepare your team on a contingency basis as well as advise on or manage the response if the worst happens.

Whether you want your existing arrangements reviewed or whether you want a bespoke programme developed, Swift & Falcon can do both.

The Energy Sector doesn’t generally generate millions of YouTube hits with good news but the man v cheetah race broke the mould. View on YouTube >

Product Demonstration and Promotion

“‘Show don’t tell’ works”

Whether it’s a large-scale fleet demonstration, a trans-continental expedition, a major international event or a successful world record attempt, the Swift & Falcon team has done it successfully and safely.

A well-planned and well-executed demonstration or promotion can transform your corporate messaging and positioning and make you stand out from your competition. ‘Show don’t tell’ works and Swift & Falcon will find and develop opportunities where your products and technologies can be displayed in a newsworthy and attention-grabbing setting.

There are clear and obvious benefits from showcasing your business imaginatively and dynamically but product demonstrations and promotions also have a galvanising effect on organisations and can play a powerful role in developing corporate identity and strengthening the shared sense of purpose.

The best organisations find practical ways to demonstrate their product value and corporate values and Swift & Falcon has an award-winning track record of finding practical ways to deliver powerful and memorable corporate messages safely.

Whether it’s a large-scale fleet demonstration, a trans-continental expedition, a major international event or a successful world record attempt, the Swift & Falcon team has done it successfully and done it safely.

Investor Relations

“Minimise the conflicting demands on your executive team”

The ‘Money’ is a key stakeholder group in any project. When the project is on track, Investor Relations task are relatively straightforward, however, all projects have their challenges and these challenges test the strength of relationships with investors and financiers.

Use the Swift & Falcon team to create the strongest possible relationships during the good times and make sure that those relationships can sustain the project when the inevitable challenges arise.

Project reality means that financial stakeholders will need the most management attention at the same time as that same executive team is solving whatever challenge has arisen. Use Swift & Falcon to minimise the conflicting demands on your executive team.


A high value and successful James Vaughan/Malcolm Wells collaboration. This room was worth over $3 billion to the project.

Guiness World Record

“”The perfect marriage of engineering, technology and creativity” – Guinness World Records

This successful world record-attempt required a million lights, 302 kilowatts of power from three generators, a gas plant and a railway station, and over 38 kilometres of cabling. It positioned the project internationally, created a powerful project identity and developed the professional capacity of the project team. It was planned and completed in twenty days


The event space is a major positioning and engagement opportunity and the Swift & Falcon offering comes in four parts:

"Swift & Falcon will get your tone and content right"

Swift & Falcon will get your tone and content right and we  have access to award-winning designers if needed. Our team has a track record of creating effective presentations for a range of demanding audiences and for some of the biggest corporate events in the world.

"The right messages are delivered in a powerful and memorable way"

The Swift & Falcon team has written speeches for multiple CEOs, Ministers and Heads of State. We work with you to ensure that the right messages are delivered in a powerful and memorable way. We make sure that you’re confident and prepared and that the speech is what it should be; a positive engagement opportunity and not a chore or a torment.

"Make the most of the opportunity"

Trade exhibitions are a valuable promotional and positioning opportunity and Swift & Falcon will make sure that you make the most of that opportunity with a professional and high-impact presence.

Every company’s needs are different and we take the time and trouble to understand those needs and develop ideas accordingly. We may not put a live cheetah on your stand but we've done it and we know how to do it safely. That's what we mean by high-impact.

"Get the results you want"

The spectrum of potential corporate events is very wide but Swift & Falcon will help you to plan and execute them to the highest standard.

Whether it’s an employee town hall, a kick-off meeting, an executive retreat or planning a plant visit by key stakeholders, Swift & Falcon will ensure that you get the results you want.

Crisis Management

At Swift & Falcon, we view ‘crisis’ in the fullest sense of the word. It can mean a serious set-back but it can also mean a serious decision point, in either event, we can help you manage it.

“We know how to make the right choices”

Setbacks happen and often the test of a project team’s excellence or otherwise is how it responds to adversity; it either grows in confidence or begins a decline that ends in failure.

At Swift & Falcon, we know from experience how to make the right choices and take the right actions and we can prepare your team on a contingency basis as well as advise on or manage the response if the worst happens.

Not one of ours but an excellent example of getting it right and getting it wrong in the same shot.

Technical and Non-Technical Risk Assessment

“A complete and detailed project appraisal”

Swift & Falcon offers a complete and detailed project appraisal, however, certain assessments are required to be risk-referenced and placed in that context. We are pleased to offer that capability for both technical and non-technical risk.

Market Assessment

“The ultimate test of project viability is the market”

The ultimate test of project viability is the market. Swift & Falcon can help you to understand the market and the reality, or otherwise, of the project economics.

From long experience, we know the questions to ask, what assumptions are reasonable and what assumptions are a hostage to fortune. 

Technology Development & Rollout

Get to ‘yes’ the smart way and save time, money and frustration

One of the toughest challenges in the technology space is the introduction of new technology or the use of an established technology in a new application or a pioneering integration.

Too often it’s impossible to get to ‘yes’ because innovators fail to understand and accommodate the business approach, processes and constraints which the organisations they’re trying to partner with apply. It’s also all too easy to become a solution in search of a problem.

Use Swift & Falcon’s experience to overcome the challenges and frustrations of innovation and avoid venture-killing mistakes, particularly regarding risk appetite and financing.

Having experienced the challenges from both sides, Swift & Falcon is well-positioned to deliver practical advice, develop workable pathways to successfully commercialise your innovations and introduce you to enabling partners.

The Swift & Falcon team is experienced in challenges and frustrations of trying to innovate but also of the critical mistakes made by innovators, particularly with regard to assumptions relating to risk appetite and financing. Because the Swift & Falcon team has experienced the challenges from both sides, it is well-positioned to deliver practical advice, develop workable pathways to successfully commercialise your innovation and introduce you in the right way to enabling partners. We can save you time, money and a great deal of frustration.

M and A Consultancy

“Optimise value and opportunity”

Swift & Falcon is in constant contact with a wide range of organisations using multiple technologies to offer different capabilities and value propositions. One company’s divestment is another company’s value enhancement and we have the ability to bring both together to optimise value and opportunity.

Swift & Falcon has hands-on experience of the technicalities of M & A activity and is able to advise and facilitate the process, whether that involves identifying opportunities or managing a successful process to achieve the desired win win.

IP Strategy

“The right IP portfolio is a door-opener”

The right IP portfolio protects and expands your competitive space, informs the future direction of your business and opens doors.

Swift & Falcon team understands how to develop a balanced IP portfolio and use it as an engine for growth.

Swift & Falcon can work with you to assess your current IP Portfolio, develop a growth-orientated IP Strategy and protect a key company asset from predators.

Policy Development

“Understand what the realistic energy options are”

Understand what the realistic energy options are and who the viable contenders are on which a successful policy platform can be built.

Drawing on years of experience gained in the complex technical environment of the global petro-chemical industry, Swift & Falcon’s insights can help policy developers unpack and interrogate the technological and commercial realities of both specific proposals and the wider strategic opportunities available.

Interim Support

An effective and instant interim solution”

Though Swift & Falcon is primarily project-focused, our extensive combined skillsets mean that we can supply high quality cover in any of our offering areas should you suddenly have a capability gap for any reason.

From experience, and due to the nature of our core business, we get up to speed at speed and start delivering value where you need it. We offer an effective and instant interim solution when needed.

Project Development is the core of our business and we can support you across the board in multiple ways, from being the spine of your operation to providing specific additional and enhanced capability where you need it. To make it easier to get a feel for what we do, we have defined our Project Development offering into five broad categories:

"We provide instant capability"

We get things started for you straight away and either carry things through to completion or maintain project momentum while you recruit your own team.

We provide instant capability so you can make immediate progress rather than lose time or an opportunity because you’re still trying to get a team in place.

Whatever your proposal, we give it the immediate substance demanded by investors, financiers and other key stakeholders. Time is your most precious commodity and Swift & Falcon helps you make the most of it.

"Make the right choice, dispassionately and objectively"

The energy and chemical space is an increasingly complex business proposition with multiple feedstocks, technologies and final product slate combinations possible. We can help you understand what the business opportunity actually is and how it can be optimised.

Early choices make a long term difference and the wrong decision can be hugely expensive. It is very easy to be carried away by an opportunity but, with Swift & Falcon as an informed sounding board, you will ask the right questions and make the right choice, dispassionately and objectively, even if that right choice is to walk away.

Turn an aspiration into a practical and detailed plan to deliver and optimise the value of the final project. Not only does Swift & Falcon focus on project basics such as feedstock, technology and product slate but we also shape and articulate a compelling proposition to investors and financiers.

"Let Swift & Falcon help get your project the green light"

We identify critical stakeholders and partnerships and foster the development of the relationships you need for project success. You will inevitably be operating in a complex business landscape and, with Swift & Falcon on your team, your project will navigate that landscape safely and effectively.

Let Swift & Falcon help get your project the green light.

Whether it’s the obvious challenges of technology and construction or the less obvious but equally critical challenges of holding together the partnerships and alliances vital to project success, Swift & Falcon knows how to manage them successfully.

"The Swift & Falcon team has done it"

Swift & Falcon can function equally well as an effective and core part of your project team or as a constructive third party capable of providing an independent eye to help guide the project team and strengthen project alliances and partnerships.

We have a range of strategies and approaches which we have applied successfully for over two decades. Whether it’s re-financing, facilitating strategic alignment or launching a successful world record attempt, the Swift & Falcon team has done it.

"Our input makes a difference and improves your project's chances of success"

In the Project Development space, Swift & Falcon adds value as a sounding-board for your project team or as an informed review team able to take an impartial look at your project and its underlying assumptions.

We know what successful projects look and feel like and we know what unsuccessful projects look and feel like. Our input makes a difference and improves your project's chances of success.

Projects of great complexity generally require a network of alliances and partnerships to see them safely over the line. The Swift & Falcon team has helped to develop and manage many such alliances and partnerships, including some of the most complex and diverse in the history of the energy industry. We can advise you on the right fit of partner to get your project over the winning line and, more importantly, we can develop the necessary frameworks and processes, particularly around the commercials and communication that will allow you to keep the relationship on track and keep all parties driving in the same direction. The right partnerships and alliances are a powerful and effective way to take your project forward quickly and efficiently while partner dissent and mis-alignment is one of the biggest single causes of project failure. Swift & Falcon can make the difference for you.

It is a self-evident truth that, without money there can be no project but there are multiple funding sources and the challenge is to identify the right combinations and develop the necessary pitch to secure the funding. The Swift & Falcon team has been actively involved in raising billions of dollars in project finance for ventures around the world using a whole range of potential funding streams and financial instruments, including everything from balance sheet funding to government subsidy. Consequently, we are aware of what works and the pitfalls of certain approaches which, while they may deliver finance in the short term, can seriously impede the long-term prospects of a project or even, in more extreme cases, kill the project altogether. We can help you to optimise your funding possibilities and to test which options offer the greatest chance of success. Further, because we work with financial institutions and governments with equal facility, you can be sure that the best option is exactly that.

This is part of our overall project development suite of offerings but tailored specifically for resource owners, investors and financiers who want to gain a better understanding of the value and viability of a project developer’s proposal. In additional to your own due diligence, Swift & Falcon uses its extensive project experience to give you an accurate and informed view of aspects of the project which are hardest for a non-specialist to gauge, including technology compatibility and understanding, team composition, executive capability and partner dynamics. Using Swift & Falcon allows to gain important perspectives and insights on key project dynamics that otherwise have to be taken largely on trust. Swift & Falcon will ask the right questions and give you an accurate, informed and objective view.

This is another Swift & Falcon offering which has been developed specifically for investors, financiers and insurers for whom the technical aspects of a project may be difficult to assess. We can deliver a specific and informed technical assessment allowing you to make an informed decision about the compatibility of a technology with your project or the degree of risk faced by your proposed investment or project financing. Technology is key to any project offering and not all technology show-stoppers are obvious to a non-technical audience. We can give you the confidence that the technology aspects of any project have been properly interrogated.

Swift & Falcon’s award winning team offers the full range of corporate affairs support. With experience gained working with or for some of the biggest companies on the planet, Swift & Falcon can position your organisation and your project in the right place for success. It is very unusual for a single organisation to be able to offer such a wide range of capability and it is worth repeating that we only offer services where we personally have a proven track record of delivery, at executive level, for successful international projects with a Capex in excess of US$1 billion. To make it easier to get a feel for what we do, we have broken down our Corporate Communications offering as follows:

The Swift & Falcon team has worked successfully over many years and on five continents to promote and position both projects and companies.

The Swift & Falcon approach is based on the development of a clear message set and defined audiences coupled with the efficient and disciplined communication of that message set to those audiences. The Swift & Falcon team is widely published across a range of international publications and has featured at many of the world’s largest energy conferences as either a presenter, Chair or both.

"We can support you efficiently and effectively across the entire media spectrum"

Swift & Falcon covers the entire spectrum of media management from creating press releases to managing large-scale and complex media briefings and press conferences. We also provide high quality media training for any of your team who may be required to interact with the media.

Swift & Falcon can create and produce your entire publishing suite and can do so with great efficiency; the record is a major corporate brochure going from a blank sheet of paper to final design within 24 hours. Swift & Falcon can also script, direct and voice-over corporate videos and team credits include some of the world’s most iconic brands.

We can support you efficiently and effectively across the entire media spectrum and we can react to circumstances and opportunities immediately.

 "Swift & Falcon can develop the tools and initiatives you need"

Often the Cinderella discipline in the corporate affairs suite, effective internal communications are a critical part of any project’s overall safety performance and ineffective internal communications risks a safety incident.

The Swift & Falcon team has worked on multiple safety programmes; as a contributor to the design of the safety regime, as the communicator of the regime’s rollout and adoption, and as the accountable individual for the project's overall safety performance.

In addition to the critical safety aspects of internal communication, Swift & Falcon can develop the tools and initiatives you need to build a strong project identity and keep your team motivated.

"Swift & Falcon will make a positive difference for you"

Projects of great complexity generally require a network of alliances and partnerships to see them safely over the line. The Swift & Falcon team has helped to develop and manage many such alliances and partnerships, including some of the most complex and diverse in the history of the energy industry.

Swift & Falcon can advise you on the right fit of partner and, more importantly, Swift & Falcon can develop the necessary frameworks and processes, particularly around the commercials and communication, that will allow you to keep the relationship on track and keep all parties driving in the same direction.

The right partnerships and alliances take your project forward quickly and efficiently while partner dissent and mis-alignment is one of the biggest single causes of project failure. Swift & Falcon will make a positive difference for you.

"Use Swift & Falcon to minimise the conflicting demands on your executive team"

The ‘Money’ is a key stakeholder group in any project. When the project is on track, Investor Relations task are relatively straightforward, however, all projects have their challenges and these challenges test the strength of relationships with investors and financiers.

Use the Swift & Falcon team to create the strongest possible relationships during the good times and make sure that those relationships can sustain the project when the inevitable challenges arise.

Project reality means that financial stakeholders will need the most management attention at the same time as that same executive team is solving whatever challenge has arisen. Use Swift & Falcon to minimise the conflicting demands on your executive team.

One of the best and yet most neglected ways to develop a strong sense of project identity and sense of common purpose across a project team is to establish a clear brand identity and a clear idea of what the project is trying to do. Though it seems an obvious thing to say, it is very easy to overlook the importance of a brand identity in the excitement of driving a project forward.

"One of the best and yet most neglected ways to develop a strong sense of project identity"

A strong brand identity improves motivation and the sense of team and, where the project is a joint venture or some other form of commercial alliance, a clear identity creates the necessary operational space to address concerns of an imbalance in the relationship. A strong brand is an essential component of corporate stability.

The Swift & Falcon team has developed many such brands successfully and combined that process with a series of events and demonstrations to give the brand substance in the eyes of those who have to work with it.

Use Swift & Falcon to develop and deploy this often overlooked problem-solver for your project.

"Use Swift & Falcon to develop and execute the government engagement programme you need"

The right fiscal regime, regulatory environment or financial incentives can be critical to project success.

Use Swift & Falcon to develop and execute the government engagement programme you need to optimise your operating environment and give your project the strongest possible foundations.

The biggest companies in the world are experts at optimising their business environment in this way and the government relations programme is always a key part of their overall project development plan.

However, it doesn’t have to be a Rich Man’s privilege, using Swift & Falcon, you can gain exactly the same advantages for your project as any of the biggest organisations in your sector.

At Swift & Falcon, we view ‘crisis’ in the fullest sense of the word. It can mean a serious set-back but it can also mean a serious decision point. Either way, we can help you manage it.

"At Swift & Falcon, we know from experience how to make the right choices"

Setbacks happen and often the test of a project team’s excellence or otherwise is how it responds to adversity; it either grows in confidence or begins a decline that ends in failure.

At Swift & Falcon, we know from experience how to make the right choices and take the right actions and we can prepare your team on a contingency basis as well as advise on or manage the response if the worst happens.

Whether you want your existing arrangements reviewed or whether you want a bespoke programme developed, Swift & Falcon can do both.

The key stakeholder group in any project is the money. When the project is proceeding on track and within budget, the Investor Relations task is relatively straightforward, however, all projects have their challenges and it’s when these challenges begin to bite that the strength of relationships with investors and financiers are tested.

The Swift & Falcon team can help you to create the strongest possible relationships during the good times, much of which is based on effective and timely communication, and make sure that those relationships can sustain the project when the inevitable challenges arise. It is a project reality that the financial stakeholders will need the most management attention at the same time as that same executive team is solving whatever challenge has arisen. Swift & Falcon can give you the necessary foundation and capability to minimise the conflicting demands on your executive team.

The event space is a major positioning and engagement opportunity and the Swift & Falcon offering comes in four parts;

"Swift & Falcon will get your tone and content right"

Swift & Falcon will get your tone and content right and we  have access to award-winning designers if needed. Our team has a track record of creating effective presentations for a range of demanding audiences and for some of the biggest corporate events in the world.

"The right messages are delivered in a powerful and memorable way"

The Swift & Falcon team has written speeches for multiple CEOs, Ministers and Heads of State. We work with you to ensure that the right messages are delivered in a powerful and memorable way. We make sure that you’re confident and prepared and that the speech is what it should be; a positive engagement opportunity and not a chore or a torment.

"Make the most of the opportunity"

Trade exhibitions are a valuable promotional and positioning opportunity and Swift & Falcon will make sure that you make the most of that opportunity with a professional and high-impact presence.

Every company’s needs are different and we take the time and trouble to understand those needs and develop ideas accordingly. We may not put a live cheetah on your stand but we've done it and we know how to do it safely. That's what we mean by high-impact.

"Get the results you want"

The spectrum of potential corporate events is very wide but Swift & Falcon will help you to plan and execute them to the highest standard.

Whether it’s an employee town hall, a kick-off meeting, an executive retreat or planning a plant visit by key stakeholders, Swift & Falcon will ensure that you get the results you want.

At Swift & Falcon, we view ‘crisis’ in the fullest sense of the word. It can mean a serious set-back but it can also mean a serious decision point, in either event, we can help you manage it.

No project wants a serious set-back but serious set-backs happen and often the test of a project team’s excellence or otherwise is how they respond to adversity. It is at this point that the project either grows in stature or begins a decline that ends in failure. At Swift & Falcon we know how to make the right choices and take the right actions and we can help to prepare the team on a contingency basis as well as advise or manage if the worst happens. Whether you want your existing arrangements reviewed or whether you want a bespoke programme developed, Swift & Falcon can do either.

Swift & Falcon offers a complete and detailed project appraisal, however, certain assessments are required to be risk-referenced and placed in that context. We are pleased to offer that capability for both technical and non-technical risk.

Whether it’s a large-scale fleet demonstration, a trans-continental expedition, a major international event or a successful world record attempt, the Swift & Falcon team has done it successfully and done it safely. A well-planned and well-executed demonstration or promotion can transform your corporate messaging and positioning and make you stand out from your competition. At Swift & Falcon we subscribe to the ‘show don’t tell’ approach and we are able to find and develop opportunities where your products and technologies can be displayed in a newsworthy and attention-grabbing setting.

It addition to the clear and obvious benefits of showing dynamic imagination about how you present your business, product demonstrations and promotions also have a galvanising effect on organisations and can play a very effective role in helping to develop corporate identity and strengthen the shared sense of common purpose. Many organisations companies make the mistake of talking about their product value or their corporate values but the best organisations find practical ways to express them. Swift & Falcon can help you to find those practical ways and deliver a powerful and memorable corporate message safely.

The ultimate test of project viability is the market its products are aimed at and Swift & Falcon can help project developers gain the necessary understanding of that market without which it’s impossible to generate a robust set of project economics. From long experience, we do not do price forecasting but we are fully conversant with the broad shifts and margins of the market and we know what assumptions are reasonable and what assumptions are a hostage to fortune. This has particular value too for investors and project financiers.

One of the toughest challenges in the technology space is the introduction of new technology or, even, the use of an established technology in a new application or a pioneering integration. In many cases, innovators adopt strategies that have no chance of success because they fail to understand and accommodate the business approach and processes which the organisations they’re trying to partner with apply. At the other end of the scale, it’s very easy to become a solution in search of a problem.

The Swift & Falcon team is experienced in challenges and frustrations of trying to innovate but also of the critical mistakes made by innovators, particularly with regard to assumptions relating to risk appetite and financing. Because the Swift & Falcon team has experienced the challenges from both sides, it is well-positioned to deliver practical advice, develop workable pathways to successfully commercialise your innovation and introduce you in the right way to enabling partners. We can save you time, money and a great deal of frustration.

By the very nature of our business, the Swift & Falcon team is in constant contact with a wide range of organisations using multiple technologies to offer different capabilities and value propositions. One company’s divestment is another company’s value enhancement and we have the ability to bring parties together to optimise value and opportunity.

In addition, the Swift and Falcon team has hands on experience of the technicalities of M & A activity and is in a position to advise and facilitate the process, whether that involves identifying opportunities or managing a successful process to achieve the desired end result.

The right IP portfolio is a door-opener, it protects your competitive space and it informs the future direction of your business. The Swift & Falcon team understands how to develop a balanced IP portfolio, use it as an engine for corporate growth and protect a key company asset from encroachment. We can help you to assess your current IP Portfolio and to develop the right IP Strategy that will support your organisation’s growth and development.

The key challenge for policy makers is to understand what the options are and who the viable contenders are on which a successful policy platform can be built. Using years of experience gained in the complex technical environment of the global petro-chemical industry Swift & Falcon can help policy developers unpack and interrogate the technological and commercial realities of both specific proposals and the wider strategic opportunities.

Though Swift & Falcon is primarily project-focused, our extensive combined skillsets mean that we can supply high quality cover in any of our offering areas should you suddenly have a capability gap for any reason. From experience, and due to the nature of our core business, we are able to get up to speed very quickly and start delivering value where you need it. We offer a very effective interim solution should you need one.